Current Events

Royal Giveaway - April 2024

  1. The Royal Giveaway will begin on Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 2PM Eastern Standard Time (19:00 UK). <br />

  2. This event is applicable to players with VIP or SuperVIP membership only. <br />

  3. Players must be online on GamePoint in any game during the Giveaway for a chance to win. <br />

  4. Only players from the following countries are eligible to win a physical prize: The United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal. Players living in other countries are eligible to win Coins and memberships only.<br />

  5. Winners will be announced in chat by a global chat announcement. Winners may also be announced through a news item on our News page the day after the event. <br />

  6. Winners of physical prizes will also be contacted through either a Facebook message ('filtered requests') or via the e-mail address that is currently known at GamePoint. All players themselves are responsible for having a valid e-mail address or linked Facebook account.<br />

  7. Winners of physical prizes have 24 hours after the Giveaway to claim their prize by replying to GamePoint's e-mail or sending an e-mail stating that they claim their prize to [email protected].<br />

  8. In case a physical prize is not available by the third party or cannot be delivered, GamePoint reserves the right to compensate the winner with Coins and/or subscriptions, in accordance with the prize value. <br />

  9. Winners of a prize may be asked to share a testimonial and their likeness for the purpose of advertising and other communications <br />

  10. GamePoint holds the right to end the event without any prior notice or announcement.<br />

  11. These conditions are additional to the General Promotional Guidelines. By participating in this event you agree to both the specific and the General Promotional Guidelines. <br />